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Welcome to Kaypro Journal

This is the home for my notes and findings about Vintage Kaypro machines. My focus is on Z80 Kaypros but I do have a few "DOS" based Kaypros as well.
In my collection (as of Nov 2023) I have 65 Kaypro Machines.


Early power switches

Serial Number Tags

Bits and pieces

Gotek Setup

Kick Stand transitions


Kaypro Micro 1

Add Ons

Hard Drives

Westwind Interface Card

Helix Hard Drive


Adevco Networking

ROM Expansions

Handyman ROM Board

8086 Add On

Swp copower 88



Kelly Data

Vintage Photos

Kaypro II
Kaypro Family
DOS Kaypros

Individual Machines

KayCompShell 2749

Kaycomp Keyboard from 43168

Kaypro 10 79763

Kaypro PC 335516

Organizational Info

Kaypros report Lost or Stolen to Kaypro Corp

Date of Sale with Serial Numbers

Magazine Collections


RetroArchive Almost complete collection
Missing V1N1,3,4 V2N9 V4N2 V6N1

MicroCornucopia Mostly complete from 1981 to 1985. The journal ended in 1990.

Other Sites

RetroCMP by Thomas Brase
